There are many occasions in your life that calls for you to pay a good tip. The services that you receive from restaurants, barber shops, taxi cabs, limousine services etc. are some of these common occasions. Now, some of these service providers can disappoint you with the poor quality of their services. In such occasions, some of you may be forced to think about withholding the tip altogether. How do you tackle these situations?
When you are satisfied with the service, you must pay a decent tip, assuming you are in a country where tips are paid. It can be anything from 15 % and up depending on your financial ability and generosity. Excellent service needs to be appreciated and paid for with a good tip. On the contrary, when you are poorly treated, you are likely to withhold the tip. That is a natural tendency of all human beings and no one is going to blame you for that. But, the server may not be responsible for the poor service provided for you. If the management is responsible for the poor training and facilities provided, then it is not fair on your part to put the blame on the poor server. In such circumstances, it would be better on your part to pay the tip promptly and file a complaint with the higher ups of the firm.
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